
The climate:
There are more climates in Australia. The biggest one is desert climate but the south-east and south-west corners have a temperate climate and a piece of the north has a tropical climate. Australia's climate has hot air and there falls not that much rain in Australia. Only in the north falls much rain.

Climates in Australia.

The rainfall in Australia.

Special is that Australia has no official language. The main language is Australian English (80%) and there are some other languages like:
- Chinese (2.1%)
- Italian (1.9%)
- Vietnamese (1.7%)
- Greek (1.4%)
And they also have indigenous languages like:
- Tasmanian language
- Torres Strait Island language
- The Australain language
They speak very much languages in Australia. They will understand youj almost always!
Australia has also no official state religion but most of the people are Christian (63.9%) and some poeple say don't know or no-religion (18.7%). The other 17.4% believes in other religions. Most of the Christain people are Roman Catholic and some are Anglican (18.7%).
The first people in Australia were Aboriginals. They inhabited Australia for between 40.000 and 60.000 years. They lived as hunter-gathers. Today there are not many Aboriginals, almost all people are normal and look like the western people.

Almost the whole of Australia is desert or steppe. There are mountains and in the East there are some cities but further it is sand, sand and stepe! You can find a lot of animals in Australia like:
- the kangaroo
- the koala
- the wallabies
- the wombats
- etc.
There live not much people together. The population density is 6.4 people per square kilometer. This is because there are many deserts, there live no people.